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Ira H. Leesfield interviewed by LawDragon (Excerpts)

Ira H. Leesfield, Senior Managing and Founding Partner of Leesfield & Partners, recently sat down for an interview with the people at LawDragon. LawDragon is a legal media company that provides legal news, and features some of the nation’s leading lawyers in its Lawyer Limelight section. Below is an excerpt of Ira Leesfield’s interview:


“What advice would you give attorneys wanting to go out on their own?

Ira Leesfield: If you are willing to make the sacrifice, work the hours and appreciate the responsibility of having your own firm – then go for it! If you are a builder, a motivator and want to be a leader in your community and beyond, the best vehicle is to get out on your own and do it. Don’t be hesitant, and be sure you have a strong support system for when times get tough. Last but not least, be sure to surround yourself with high quality professionals, it always helps to have someone to turn to for advice along the way.”

Click here to read the entire interview with Ira Leesfield.

Click here to read more about Ira H. Leesfield’s verdicts and settlements obtained on behalf of his clients and his achievements both locally and nationwide.

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